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by Illgod

[Intro: Illgod] The horrendous space kablooie [Verse: Illgod] Then came the big bang, before time existed Silence lifted with the core compositions —hydrogen and helium, pure enough before the thoughts of inhaling em in variants Various million periods of ages dim Gracious when, these expanding gases As standing as is became calm Accumulate to clouds and acids in strange forms o' vapors condensed Sweltered to clusters of stars as nature commenced The birth of oxygen, carbon and iron Really, everything to getting capped with an iron Stars are aligning Some grew old and blew into a supernova A few gold and uranium induced all over To birth the sun, the weightier matter —8 billion years after the bang 'fore radiance showered At milky way's edge These clouds of gas, began to collapse Pulled, by its gravity, it had to get hot Atoms fused to a hydrogen bomb, flattened and spun —a blazing halo into space Made their way escaped were some of the casted-off masses A bit stayed and orbited to bask in the star lit and around it! For millions o' years more, these stuck together into nine planets Moons, asteroids and comets
Randomness 03:33
[Hook: Illgod] I'll tell you what —the universe is truly random God didn't play dice, he threw a tantrum to ruin Adam Through distractions o' a lurid passion Birthed Cain, death came—the aftermath o' his losing traction [Verse: Illgod] A'yo, the Einstein's dismissive conservatism —is an allusion to the universe' imperfect rhythm Uncertain with it? Let's take a leap into some quantum physics Something lenient not when we had to contemn witches Radioactive decay, how much a particle weighs Are simply—purely desultory or acting that way Try to prove it I'll do with an entanglement machine It'll measure up a property o' particles called spin A spinning charged particle, generates a little magnetic field Light as it feels, light as a quill, an ion/nuclei A positron or a muon or an electron ring Is quite doable to determine the direction of spin if ran past a bar magnet acting as a spin detector So keen attention—this' where I kinda meant to spill the ketchup We could measure it up or down, when we hold it vertically; And measured, left or right when wield horizontally If a particle has a spin up, then its antiparticle has a spin down and if the spin is left Then the other is the other spin round You got it, right? This is how you bomb 'em in bafflement And what that, babble meant is called the quantum entanglement [Hook: Illgod] I'll tell you what —the universe is truly random God didn't play dice, he threw a tantrum to ruin Adam Through distractions o' a lurid passion Birthed Cain, death came—the aftermath o' his losing traction [Verse: Illgod] In the middle of the machine is a chamber Where every now and then, we are made to —make an electron and it's positron set up so the spins are in opposites I let the electron travel down to the left And positron to the dexter With each having its detector at each sides in the composite, accomplishing Keep it simple—replace each direction with a red and green light, and make sure they precise At electron spin up, a green goes on And at a spin down, red is displayed but in a brief light At further testings, green is displayed at the spin up And red is beeped when the positron tilts at spin up Displays green when the positron is at spin down And red again when electron is at spin down Now what you dunno is —in the quantum world, before proceeds Spin remains up and down before your probings That's how you deal with randomness and proven [Hook: Illgod] The universe is truly random God didn't play dice, he threw a tantrum to ruin Adam Through distractions o' a lurid passion Birthed Cain, death came—the aftermath o' his losing traction
Errata 06:35
[Verse: Illgod] Who wouldn't wanna be a wife beater Plus rhyme sweeter like Edmund Becke advised readers and via Peter, a denier—vest'd with a raging ire? To do it thrice to Jesus, verily the Great denial Or maybe that was Philip, look it up it was written Slit the ear off servant Malchus in the scrimmage—it's nonfiction Fishes stood, where fishers spread their nets—gets ya wet As bookworms read their tales of early birds Whirly words Where a word or typo alters a verse Unearthed His, great ass or made us adulterous and covetous to sin on more not sin no mo' To not be, afraid of bugs or that pit o' woe So blessed are the place makers—like Noah, who gained acres Those who invaded Canaan, to imposing slave labour on their neighbours To build em a spot, kill em with rocks Violence fi' violins, these are the children of God [Verse: Illgod] Forth out our lions, came best chill sons Cold to—walk after their lusts as murderers, celestial ones And speaking swelling words yelled as roars—a metopium To bear the loss, Joseph fell the cross of the malefactor An omitted comma, the merely factor Drew his last, just so his lags were never fractured The only son Ascended to give up the ghost—the holy one Intercessions—episcopal toasts Riddled with tropes, persecuted by printers and folk To play a corner, to remain aside But inveigled ourselves into these texts, a ballistic approach Recoiled a piece to enkindle a smoke Discharge thee before the God saith the Timothy scroll Fools really would know—in they hearts lives an idle shepherd fleeced of his goats; And Becca's camels hitting the road to getting betrothed to an Isaac she will grip by the throat [Verse: Illgod] Do I really need to take these bees to get slaughtered Among the sheep, lambs and kids as peace offers? He quenches thirsts but he bleeds and needs water Condemned the poor hausfrau to get offered A wife hater as he preached is life saving from the fish And collecting taxes from the masses and the hellish harpies When that hatches, they're egged on to keep at least two Spread those loins, so the latter eats you Lotta issues out to get you so you choose to bring forth So — "Sit ye here and keep the bond for Judas swift come" That took a brisk turn to employ a quick gum To me, it seems a bit numb for the one that loved and kissed him at all conditions Seth's the grandfather and Adam first, the darkest hole Owl for own, keeps a parliament for rat control O'er parchment scrolls —with grave mistakes, type o' errors etched in stone for a deathly poem [Verse: Illgod] To my neck, an Occam's razor or a bad butter knife I wouldn't—tie the knot with my grandmother's wife Now ponder right If it was law and hammered down a compromise, it'll be a lot to take in like Abram, alright So hearken right, pay attention—ears to ear I aim to purge your conscience as I clear you queers To question everything, instead o' being gullible enough to seep all things you read to y' anatomical Son, highly improbable that you could prove Or disprove the existence of God in logical steps I think you'll rather move as rooks would do Aback and forth, off Bhagavad Gita and laughable depths From bibles and texts erratically penned just as the wicked bible Vibe to it
[Verse: Illgod] Soon as I came in—leave A band on the spot like a case of yips I'm branding a stock and a case concealed to make me King You turn tails while I behead like Ned, I'll catch up I let it fall off Ser Ilyn Payne's sword Unsullied rep, y'all got? You're stabbed to death or I'll —rip your balls off Theon or Greyworm It's the ratchet To practise, yubitsume on little fingers The epitome, a peer to ye, fix your glimpses Or shy away and return at last minutes in the long night Or the alchemist with his conk spiked We're the gods, you'll be penalised to face us, man Waif or it, I'm pennywise to be a faceless man Dead that arm talk I, aid and abet it See us missing the essence to fridging the gap Spitting it wack, or fiending that and not bridging the gap, please Drag on a blunderbuss then air us, Dracarys
[Verse: Illgod] On cooling Hardened into continents' the surface scum as earth become its undoing It's congruent with the fact the sun would die In about 5 billion years o' clock movements Steams condensed, streams then fell from the sky as the primordial soup hypothetically flied Which—held on for long in the absence of a better design on the emergence of life Um, in 88, Wächtershäuser devised That it began as a sandwich, iron-sulphur theorized Of—hydrothermal origins o' water spins To result in acute metamorphism and oroge-ny Self-promoting chemicals then came alive Creating the first genetic equipment made o' life By-products o' fats quickly formed membranes Of which, proteins evolved in their shortest reign —to colonize the open sea as crude cells Chlorophyll-ized potency for food fed and produced them abundantly as CO2 and H2O [woah] The algae ate to give off pure O2 and allotropes [Verse: Illgod] Newer cells breathed the oxygen and ate plants Compete for resources, with the weak getting perished, languid and decrepit—these organisms and their strands O'—nucleic acids teaming to form chromosomes, that stores bumf close to home that you are supposed to know Toe to toe Cells evolved at each Of their protoplasms which Brought about higher life forms like flowers and bees Embryos and seeds, and hybridity Life at first reproduced asexually —a mitosis, divides in splits no hysterectomies Environs changed and predators came and since asexuals are the same, they're liably baned While some dropped the fated so the species were propagated transmitting bodily differences and populated, via sex Which truly was the opposite o' reproduction—a cell splitting in two and that's keeping it cool
[Verse: Boogey] Cursed with the pride of a celestial but I'm still down to earth Like the body of an ill god seeking a human doctor A manuscript of true circumstances around my birth Hated like the chapter where they told Mary to choose adoption I ran away from the light like La Cucaracha But the divine has been hunting me down They stripped my powers and they had my body dumped in the ground Eliminating witnesses of the battle that shook the heavens Higher powers hired divine hitmen to clean it up They said it's bad PR if we lose to rebels We'll call 'em devils and make all humanity believe in us Give 'em all different kinds of religions just to keep it hush Wings clipped, I was tossed into oblivion One thing about power, it'll cost you if you leave it on Nobody thought that I'll survive the fall My scars grew into horns from the scorn of my revenge mission I even tried to burn the bible store I was on edge and I was about to fold like some hem stitches And kill a choir in the middle of their rendition of Amazing Grace And ask a priest how the wine is the blood of the lamb when it was made with grapes I'm on a mission to expose the fake righteous Get my wings back, go back to paradise for payback Better won't be me by myself, I'll take fighters Couple of higher ops will get paralyzed the day that I invade, you're thinking that I don't have the right to say that I just want my pre-life from before you call me a demon I'll get it back before I close my eyes and see light [Verse: Illgod] Just a bogey counting lost sheep, although wolves are the morsels I prod for Shepherding em to a knacker's yard 3 feet away Stricken this day with Aaronid rage are waters o' bad blood Sputtered as flash flood to sweep me away I jumped the broom and sowed my oats but slithered away Beaconed my way on narrower paths, a goolayyalibee While the heavens neighed their hymns, enabled him to do away with me But I 'fought em' with the bravery to muscle and trod on —the catechism that's lacking rhythm but be leading the stray The path of wisdom, though forcibly dragged on Is but vivid as braille to friction ridges leafing a page Accounted enchiridion great My minions were raised while millions prayed—a ruse to escape the beast then I politicked oblivious ways to do amazing speeds To play a fast one, a psychopomp to posse's o' god's call Run past y'all as fast cars and I lead em to graves Or the lack thereof, or ash burned up through suttee compulsions Worked in mysterious ways to leaving remains Train your minds or you're lifted in freights These dies iraes depict the media craze on the doomsday vagaries The truth or make-believes you took to make beliefs then —faithfully wield em to their eighth degrees enrages me Live as time emits the devil in me, morphing to Kronos I'm horsing for barzakh kill with, their fucking false hopes o' living again In midstream, wading through brooks, heavy with googs, tryina annul, all these hurdles on tracks trod A longicep, the son he stepped is breathing again and feeling inane With a poof o' ADD *gibberish* Stay with me [Outro: Illgod] Think for yourselves, and don't be sheep Think for yourselves and don't be sheep, nigga Boogey Illgod
[Verse: Illgod] Sometimes I, contemplate the ultimate fate of the universe A Big Rip, Big Chill or whatchamacallit it would deserve A rude reverse to initial o' the operation Before the Big Bang, inflation and then combination The alteration, as it represents where everything changed Inevitably, the temperature's way —stifling, a staggering 3 times 10 to the power o' 3 —in degrees Celsius, that's indeed perilous So hot, and there were no signs o' hydrogen atoms Just protons, electrons flying as partridges, parrots Eigengereid and then bouncing around Collide with selves and light emitted was like eigengrau [Verse: Illgod] It had to cool off to a point where hydrogen forms in a hurry And since we didn't exist then we, took persistence to infer the —stuff we knew, plausible from radiation remnants A multitude that's soaring through an audacious sentient Now a—little knowledge is a dangerous thing But in this case, how infinitesimal with experiments yields a strain on err-sling One, E equals em cee squared A particle hits its anti —they get destroyed and devoured and with it is some energy created To spawn photons, smashing into selves to make light And I dunno, but I ain't patting you on heads to hate Christ [Verse: Illgod] We're all fated to lose luster Adulterated to true gutter, some used rubbers or cucumbers Through clusters, bounded by gravity —holy verses erratical A group o' atoms—deprived of a lotta ribs Cutting through the meat o' the matter, the hereafter's our dismal kismet Where the universe rips itself into diff' equivalents Bounce.


released July 15, 2022

Produced by Alfred Greem.
Add. Production by Illgod.
Mixed & Mastered by Plasthic Slash & Smilez Beatz.


all rights reserved



Illgod Lagos, Nigeria

MC/emcee and beat-maker from PH, Nigeria.

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